Folder structure

Folder Structure

Below is the Robust Admin Lite folder structure.

Robust Admin Lite Folder Structure

                    ├── app-assets/
                    |   ├── css/
                    |   ├── css-rtl/
                    |   ├── data/
                    |   ├── fonts/
                    |   ├── images/
                    |   ├── js/
                    |   ├── vendors/
                    |   |   ├── css/
                    |   |   ├── js/
                    ├── assets/
                    |   ├── css/
                    |   ├── js/
                    |   └── scss/
                    ├── grunt-tasks/
                    ├── gulp-tasks/
                    ├── html/
                    |   ├── ltr/
                    |   └── rtl/
                    ├── src/
                    |   ├── js/
                    |   ├── scss/
                    ├── Gruntfile.js (grunt tasks)
                    ├── gulpfile.js (gulp tasks)
                    ├── package.gulp.json (gulp package json)
                    └── package.json (grunt package json)
  • robust-admin/ : Root template folder contain Robust Admin Template all html, jade, js, css, scss, images and other files.
    • app-assets/ : Folder contain all the Robust Admin Template assets which has css, js, fonts, images & json files. It is not recommend you to change any files from this folder.
      • css/ : All the generated css files from scss. Which contain bootstrap.css, bootstrap-extended.css, app.css, colors.css, code, pages and plugins css files.
      • css-rtl/ : All the generated rtl css files from scss. Which contain rtl bootstrap.css, bootstrap-extended.css, app.css, colors.css, code, pages and plugins css files.
      • data/ : Dummy JSON data for chats, tables and ajax example.
      • fonts/ : All the fonts files for font-icons.
      • images/ : Template images for image placeholder.
      • js/ : All the generated JS files from src/js.
      • vendors/ : Folder contain all the vendors css and js files in css/ and js/ folder.
    • assets/ : Folder contain assets which has sample scss, css, js files. Robust admin provides this folder for user customization purpose, you can add any custom files in this folder.
    • grunt-tasks/ : Folder contain all the grunt task files.
    • gulp-tasks/ : Folder contain all the gupl task files.
    • html/ : Folder contain all the generated HTML files from JADE. It has text-direction & template name folder, template generated html files will placed base on template name and text-direction.
    • src/ : Folder contain source files for this template i.e SCSS, JS and JADE.
      • js/ : Folder contain all the core, menu, pages & other js files.
      • scss/ : Folder contain bootstrap, bootstrap-extended, app, colors, pages & plugins scss files.
    • Gruntfile.js : Grunt tasks js file.
    • gulpfile.js : Gulp tasks js file.
    • : File contain file contains information about robust admin usage.
    • :All notable changes made to the robust admin template.
    • package.gulp.json : Gulp package json file.
    • package.grunt.json :Grunt package json file.